Friday, April 1, 2011

Back to the Future

Flash forward 7 years and I hope our house will look like this...

I wouldn't mind a girl thrown in there somewhere. But I won't be picky. Until then, we will have to enjoy these adorable neighborhood fellas. Look how cute his binky smile is.

And you can acknowledge how professional our child proofing of the cupboard is. Thank you newspaper boy for the rubber band.

Pizza, Sprinklers, Games, and "Megamind" on the air mattress- bring on the future!


  1. Wow! 7 Years eh! You could have that in 3! COME ON! Cute cute kids.

  2. at least you already have the crib! :)

  3. How cute! You are nice neighbors :)

  4. Love it! Jeff's dream is to have all boys. I won't be picky either...but I'm not gonna lie I'd like a mix.

  5. ready for the children!! hurry and get prego... or are you and i just don't know it cuz i'm so out of the loop????
