Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm spoiled...

When we first found out that we were moving to Arizona, more than one person talked about how awesome Arizona is. One of the most frequently used reasons was because if you get a bike for Christmas, you can actually go outside and ride it. Unlike wintery places like Utah. (This was never a real dilemma for me growing up in Utah because my birthday is in May.) But still, this year, I have been able to experience what bike rides in January feel like. And let me tell you they feel great. Especially since I get to cruise around on this totally awesome, vintage, 50s cruiser that Michael's dad restored and gave me for Christmas! Me gusta!


  1. He gave that to you?! Awesome! Totally jealous :)

  2. That's why I told you AZ is great!!! (Marcus gets so mad at me for always using that as the biggest reason...) And it's true :)

  3. you can ride your bike in utah... you just might get caught in a sudden blizz or have the bike slip out from underneath you on a patch of ice you didn't see making you look like a total retard... worth it.

  4. Love the bike! You look totally cute on your vintage red bike with a basket. I'm a little jealous right now....

  5. OH my heck!!! We got the same thing for Christmas!!! I think a bike ride is what our next activity will be, and then....out to dinner. haha...seriously though! bring em up here:)
