Tuesday, August 24, 2010

seriously not cool...

In anticipation of the release of this book:

I pre-ordered it with a gift card from here: (Thanks Julie!)

Knowing very well that I would have to have slept the night before so that I could teach. Thus, not getting the book at midnight.

I was able to bear my students' incessant chattiness and general disregard for manners all day because I knew that waiting for me at home would be this book:

However...it is STILL not here. Come on certain mail carriers that wear brown...where are you?! I know you are in transit because I have been frequently checking my tracking number. The only thing brown can do for me right now is get me my package!!.....please.


  1. I feel your pain!!!!!


  2. I too am waiting for the man in brown. GET MY BOOK HERE NOW!!!!!

  3. Did it ever come?! I probably finished before it got there... so HURRY UP AND READ IT ALREADY!

  4. Do you have it yet?? I went to Border's and they had a ton of copies! I was surprised. BUT I haven't had time to read much of it. I'm annoyed cause I just want to read it!! Let me know when you are finished (but don't tell me how it ends).
