Monday, May 2, 2011

Jenn's 25th B-day!!!!

Dear Wife,

Today is a special day for a special girl. Yesterday in Elder's quorum, we were asked to introduce ourselves and then share how we had met our wife. I flashed back to June 26th, 2007. I accepted an invitation from a friend to play a pick up game of Volleyball. I remember three things in particular about the first time I met you: 1.) Dang, this cute girl has some mad volleyball skills. 2.) Harry Potter shirt - Really? 3.) How can I fit myself into the rotation so that I'll play next to her without being too obvious. The rest is history...

Thank you for a wonderful marriage and for being an incredible wife. You are the most thoughtful person I have ever known. I love your surprises and how you know how to make me feel like there isn't anything I can't do. You are incredibly supportive and refreshingly witty. I've loved our adventures together and look forward to many more!

I know you'll probably find this public homage slightly embarrassing and nauseatingly sentimental, but I want the whole world to know how I feel about my beautiful woman on her birthday! You are my best friend and I'm so glad I get to keep you forever.

Your Husband


  1. Jenn, did you write this yourself? Haha. My favorite is the Harry Potter shirt! Happy happy birthday friend! And P.S. since when did we all get so old? I don't like this 25 business...good thing I still have one more month. :)

  2. HAPPY B-DAY JENN!!! You're a quarter of a century old now! I'm pretty sure that's kind of a big deal! (Very sweet letter, Michael. Way to be a good hubby.) :)

  3. Happy Birthday!! Cute letter even though I would probably think it was so much cuter if I wasn't related to your husband...slightly gagging in that way :)

    Wish we could be there to celebrate!!

  4. Happy Birthday Jenn! Miss you. Wish I could be with you on your special day!

  5. Great job Michael! Wish we coulda been there yesterday. HOpe you had a fun party and great Day!

  6. Bummer! I looked at your blog too late! I never knew you were so young Jen. I've been 25 for a long time now, and I have to say, that it's not that different from 18 or 20. People still ask me if I'm the nanny when they see me in public with my kids.
    So, the next time we go to Utah, you are certainly invited. In the meantime, let's just plan a double date to the temple the next time you are in the area. Eh?
