This past weekend was really fun. (Minus the awefulness of the BYU game-which I don't want to talk about!) We went canoeing out to Utah Lake with Jenni and Grayden. We have some very funny circumstances when we are with those two. It was a perfect autumn day and the sun was setting. All very picturesque.
Ha ha! I'm sorry, but I do not see how you could flip these canoes without wanting to. However, they did not know how to put it right side up. Thus, we found them like this. Asking for help. They were little scouters who were trying to earn their merit badges. We saved their oars from floating away and we tried our best to help them, but we were in normal clothes and did not want to end up like them. So we were telling them how to flip the boat back up but it had too much water inside of it and so the final advice we gave was to swim for shore and fix the boat there. To which, Jenni quickly replied, "Kick in the water! In the water!" To avoid splashing. Don't worry, we saw their scout leaders paddling back for them a little further down.
Please acknowledge who did most of the work:
Ok, we actually have developed into quite a good team. It takes practice. When we got where the river dumps into the lake it really was beautiful. We put our canoes up on the rocks and took a walk around. The wind was starting to pick up and we didn't want to have to paddle against the wind so we went back to get in- only the Clark's boat slipped away from them and quickly started to drift out to sea. I really was half ready to see Gray or Michael dive into the water after it. Luckily they were quick thinkers, and the boys jumped in our canoe to catch up with the empty one.
They caught up to it and it was quite a sight watching single canoers trying to get back to shore.
Finally, we all were in and paddling back. By this time, we were getting hungry and selection of places to eat gets tricky in Provo on the weekends because the lines become unbearable. While we were debating where to go, Michael realized he had a "skip to the front of the line" pass at T.G.I. Friday's. That made the decision easy. We got there and the manager got us right in and to a table. Everything was great. We had a free appetizer and soon thereafter our meals were brought out. For some reason, the general manager brought out Michael's dish and was starting a conversation with us and mentioned that Michael's dish was only $5 because it was part of this special they were having and that the person who seated us should have told us. (I don't think Gray was too happy to find that out.) When the general manager noticed that we were shocked by this news he continued to say, "Who was it that seated you?" etc. We didn't want anyone to get in trouble so we were going on about how great the young manager had been when he seated us. The general manager didn't let it be. He got the young manager who had seated us and informed us that he would be buying a dessert for us that night. We felt kind of bad, but also loved the dessert. It was a very comical and wonderful evening.
canoeing is fun but it's a lot of hard work and i'm lazy. it's nice to see you still have muscles from volleyball... haha. you really were doing all the work... awesome.
ReplyDeletedoing all the work?? Yeah... okay