We got some! Michael's family (minus Katie and Josh) came to visit US in ARIZONA during the SUMMER and right after their MOVE across country. Boy, do we feel lucky. That's true love folks.
We were excited to have visitors. They made it to our apartment on Friday after driving across country from Boston and getting to Utah on Wednesday night, unloading their moving van Thursday and then hitting the road again to Arizona. We had 8 people and a baby staying in our one bedroom apartment. All summer I have thought our apartment is a fairly big size with a lot of room for Michael and I. That big apartment quickly became nice and cozy with all that body heat! This is what our apartment looked like most of the weekend:
It was a relaxing weekend filled with games, swimming, treats and movies.
And we got to see the many faces of this handsome guy:
Isn't he cute with that red hair of his? He's so big and I love those cheeks! It was fun to have visitors for my last weekend in Sun Valley!