We made our first stop in Sinaia and hiked up to Peles Castle! So beautiful! It was everything I imagine a princess castle to be. We took a tour of the inside as well. It's pretty incredible how elaborate they can build things. This one had an entry where the whole glass ceiling could open up to let in fresh air.
Family hugs!
I always feel a little bad when naps are in the car and not a comfy bed... but he also looks so cute!
We had beautiful weather our whole trip which made everything seem even more magical!
"Hey guys! Look! It's a door my size!" Love this little adventurer of ours!
" Look! Shields! Like my name Adelaide Megan Shields!"
Seems more like Snow White than vampires to me!
What do you think? Does it look like Halloween to you?
Dinner in Brasov
That night we stayed in an AirBnb in Brasov. It was a nice apartment. Then we went to church the next morning. Here's my little gangsta church goer. He wishes he were driving.
That afternoon, we did a hike up to Seven Ladder Canyon and then climbed up the ladders through the waterfalls and canyon. A little intense with kids, but super cool!

We were then back on the road for Timisoara. Michael had meetings there Monday so we all went. Driving through Romania is interesting because there are not very many freeways. So you'd be in these lush rolling hills with sheep and their shepard. Then you'd drive into these little towns. A lot of them had these HUGE stork nests on light poles and chimneys.
While Michael was at work, Melanie, the kids and I explored a bit of Timisoara.
Love the mosaic roof!
Michael met up with us for lunch and we had some gelato together. Cheers to gelato and an exciting trip!
Michael also had a meeting at another small town on the way back to Bucharest. So he kind of had to just drop us off by ourselves in the middle of this town and hurry off to his meeting. Here's proof of our bravery... and a pretty church.
Luckily we found a cute little playground and let the kids run around since we still had a long drive ahead of us...
On the way back to Bucharest, we decided that since we were out west so far, we'd be silly to not stop and see what World Geography decided was the Most Unique Waterfall in the world- Cascada Bigar.
Walking from the parking area.
These are right off the road and a lot of the pictures that we had seen had the colors photo shopped a bit and different angles from above which made me think they would be taller than they were. However, it was still pretty fascinating to see the moss that grew on these overhanging rocks to make it look like a waterfall on a tree. They also have bridges to see the falls from a few different angles.
ONCE AGAIN, we got back on the road. We took the route home that led us to the Danube River that runs along the Romanian and Serbian borders. We stopped for dinner at a restaurant right along the banks. Pretty spectacular!
The view from our table.
Sadly, we didn't get back to Bucharest until 2 AM in a thunderstorm. Then Michael and Melanie turned around at 5 AM to take Mel to the airport. :( Sad day. We loved having Mel Mel with us. Laila keeps talking about how much she misses her and how she's glad we have pictures of her so we can remember her. Sweet little, eulogy. Haha! But truly, Melanie came right at a time that I was feeling pretty homesick. She helped me feel not so far away from family and the adventures we went on, helped me remember all the things I want to do and places I want to go before our time here is done! So... anyone else want to come visit??
I'll come visit again!! Miss you guys.