Shortly after we moved to Romania, Michael told me that he had business meetings in Czech Republic the first couple of days in May and asked if I would be ok celebrating my 30th birthday in Prague. I said, "fine...." 😉 Just when I thought there was no way he could top my last birthday HERE, I found myself being proven wrong.
For Michaels work trips we like to fly into the city a few days early so we can have the weekend together. Then he usually has meetings Monday and Tuesday. That was the idea for this trip. Michael had been in Brno, Czech Republic for work during the week. The plan was for him to meet us at the Prague airport. The kids and I would fly in Thursday evening after work.
I got us all packed. Michael arranged a driver to pick us up and take us to the airport. We got to the airport and as I'm at the check in counter, I'm told by the lady at the desk that my flight was at 6:10 AM not 6:10 PM like I thought. I tried talking to the workers at the airport (after a wild goose chase) and they said there was nothing I could do but pay for whole new tickets and return tickets because those were void too. Here I am at a foreign airport that I don't speak the language and with my two kids and luggage- alone ready to fall apart. Luckily, I had Michael's Romanian work phone so I could call his other cell and he was able to call the airline directly. They were more sympathetic to my situation. They agreed to put us on the same flight the next morning for a fee that was at least smaller than two new tickets! So yeah... I took a taxi back to our apartment with our kids. Then woke up at 3:30 AM to get to the airport on time for the 6:10 AM flight! *Funny side story: When I was getting Laila dressed, she asked what was going on all groggy confused. I said, "We're going on an airplane." She looked out the window and in the most confused face she said, "At night?!" I couldn't agree more, my girl!* Moral of the nightmare story: Although we are loving this incredible opportunity we have to be here, there are some crazy lows and stressors that go with it AND we made it safely to Prague. (Just 12 hours later than anticipated.)
Friday, after naps and work for Michael, we took the metro to Old Town Prague and Michael walked us through a few sites so that we could become familiar with the city. That way, when we was at work on Monday and Tuesday, I would feel more comfortable exploring alone with the kids.
The view from the top of a tower at the end of Charles Bridge
Our daily view!
Prague is so cool because it is seriously Medieval. It felt like we were stepping back in time. Prague has also been relatively unscathed by the World Wars which has left some pretty incredible buildings to be seen. Including the famous Prague Astronomical Clock.
Is it just me or does "Harry Potter" and "A Knight's Tale" keep popping into people's heads?
Ok, folks. We have been traveling to many different countries and trying many new things. But, I am here to tell you that this delectable treat is my favorite. I still have dreams about these! YUM!
Let me introduce you to....
Trdelnik: a traditional cake and sweet pastry. It is made from rolled dough that is wrapped around a stick, then grilled and topped with sugar and walnut mix.

This one was filled with whipped cream, strawberries, nutella, chocolate syrup- you know amazing.
Saturday morning, we rented a car and drove out to the Czech countryside. It was beautiful. You just see castles sitting on a hill, beautiful fields, and darling towns. We drove right to the Czech/Germany border. Had lunch in a sweet cafe where the menu was only in Czech or German and I was pleasantly surprised with my guess of an order. Then we took a crazy hike to this bridge that Michael had researched. Pretty breathtaking!
At the top, we enjoyed some Kofola (Czech Root Beer type soda)
Right at the end of the trail, Laila and I were racing and it didn't end well for her. : ( That goose egg was pretty quick. Thankfully it just looked really, really awful. Poor girl.
Sundays are my favorite abroad because I enjoy going on our little scavenger hunt to find our chapel. It's beautiful learn more about our Savior, strengthen our faith and be with people all around the world who are also trying a little harder to be a little better. Here is where the Prague Branch meets. Let me know if you would like the address and meeting times!
After church, we also explored Prague Castle and the cathedral there. I can't even begin to describe how large the castle was. But this cathedral fit inside so you can start getting the idea...
Laila's favorite window because it's purple.
But, of course, why take pictures of architecture when you have these celebrities in your sight. ;)
We love all the blossoms on the trees!
And that view!
Monday was my birthday, but Michael had to work so the kids and I set our for lunch and a river cruise! They make me so happy. Not a bad way to celebrate at all!
On our cruise, Laila spotted this playground right next to the iconic Charles Bridge and requested to go play when the tour was over. It was a decent walk but she was determined. I'm so glad we went because the playground had the best view of the bridge that I had been trying to get all day but couldn't.
That evening Michael joined us for a birthday dinner at Hard Rock Cafe which was the prettiest building ever! You can kind of see it in the background. Then we enjoyed a few more sites on our way back to the hotel.
The next day, I knew Michael had meetings all day so my options were hide out in the hotel room and go stir crazy or go out alone with the kids. So I took an option that would allow me to get out but not have to figure out logistics too much. We took a day tour out to Hrad Karlstejn which was on many must see lists. It was nice because we took the metro to the meeting spot, got picked up by a bus, rode to the destination, walked with the group to the castle and back to the bus.
Incredible castle tucked away beautifully on a hill. I will take full bragging rights when I say I got us up that hill in time for our tour of the castle. I had Harrison in the ergo up front. A back pack on my back and Laila on my shoulders at times. It was quite the work out!
But so worth it! What a building!
I was also very grateful because MANY people on our tour offered to help in many ways. They were helping me get off the bus. Carrying Laila up and down different stairs and being patient with us in general. There are so many kind people. I'm grateful I got to meet more of them- including this Indian mom in the picture above. She and her husband were on there first holiday alone since having their two boys and yet she was still willing to help carry Laila when she said her legs weren't working anymore. Laila loved her new friend.
The tour was interesting because they kept opening a door to let us in the room but wouldn't tell about the room until they locked the door behind us. So there wasn't much room for the kids to walk around. I had to get creative to keep Laila's attention. I put her in charge of taking pictures of the cool things. She captured some fun moments.
Harrison got really dirty crawling around and he thought it was SOOO funny when he could run under the ropes to areas where mom couldn't reach him. Haha!
My princess on her draw bridge!
Proof that I was there with my kids. Overall, it was a really fun excursion. We stopped for lunch at a sweet little cafe on our way down to the bus. When we got back to Prague, we did some souvenir shopping and got some more Trdelnik as a treat for being such troopers during the day. Then we went back to the hotel for dinner and bedtime. I feel bad that we had so much fun while Michael had so many meetings. He's pretty great.
The next day, we all flew out together and we witnessed a miracle. Somehow we got off to the airport late like super late. Like our flight was at 11:25 and we got to the airport at 11! Thankfully we had our kids because the lines were crazy long but they let us go through all the fast lanes with our stroller and we miraculously made it to our plane and were the first ones boarded! MIRACLE!
Peace out, Prague
You are beautiful!

We will continue to dream about our time/the treats there!
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