-My feet and ankles really only swell a little bit at the end of the day.
-I can still wear my wedding ring!
-I have still been able to sleep my lovely 8-9 hrs a night. (There are many potty breaks during that time.)
-I'm no longer nauseous like the 1st trimester. (Even then, I didn't have it too bad. But I don't miss it.)
-I don't have any foods that I really need to avoid due to food aversion.
-I haven't had heart burn too bad.
-Baby Girl does not beat up my ribs with kicks. She has nice love taps and flips that let me know she's still there.
-I have actually been pretty cold. I thought I would be sweating my life away since I'm usually hot blooded. (Thus, I will try to avoid being pregnant through an AZ summer as much as possible.)
-I haven't had any rude comments from people yet. My dad was actually the one who asked if I'm sure I'm not having twins, but he thought he was being so funny.
-I have had the energy I need to teach everyday. (I sit more than usual, but I can still help)
These are just a few things that I feel like I should remember in case the next 5 weeks & beyond bring some negative thoughts or "what was I thinking?" moments. We are piecing together Baby's room which is fun and trying to get things ready. But for now, Baby Girl can take as much time as she needs because life is good and I am terrifyingly excited to meet our sweet girl.
Can you imagine how much this adorable profile has changed in 15+ weeks?