Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's that time of year again...

*Thank you for capturing this moment.

It's parent teacher conference time. That means I get to school at about 8 AM teach until 3:15. Have conferences start at 3:20 PM. 10 min. conferences per student and leave school about 8:30 PM. It's a very long day. Fortunately, my conferences go well for the most part. The parents are usually very supportive and encouraging. I am just left drained at the end of the night. Bless the person who decided the day after conferences is a furlough day.


  1. i know this story all too well via my mama! good luck! love the comic! my second grade teacher told my parents that i 'make weird noises' and they asked 'what kind of noises?' and she said 'i can't describe them.' yep. sounds like me :)

  2. ps. you need to check out my craft blog. i know you're a renovator like me. let me know what you think!

  3. Oh my gosh, seriously. The apple does NOT fall far from the tree!

  4. That is a VERY long day! Good Luck and just dream of Summer when you don't have to work :)
