Monday, January 17, 2011

The Spontaneous Life

I forgot to tell about our way home from break. We made some lovely stops in Orem and Springville to see the Hardys and Pricketts. We saw our old house and the sad, Provo Tabernacle. Then we got on the road for real. We got to St. George and decided to stop for lunch at in 'n out. When we pulled off, I joked that we should stop at Tai Pan Trading and Michael actually said ok. Weird event #1.
Weird event #2 occurred when we actually got to In 'N Out after our Tai Pan detour. It's crowded- of course- and I found us a table for two so I sat down but Michael didn't. He was still kind of looking around the room which I thought was so odd and a bit frustrating because it's not easy to get a table.
Then weird #3 happened when Michael finally came over to me and said that we needed a bigger table. What?!
Well, luckily I looked up before I got frustrated with Michael's confusing behavior, because Keith and Tricia were standing right there! They had been driving back to Salt Lake from San Diego. So I guess they had been texting Michael back and forth since Beaver and found out we would both be in St. George around the same time. It was a fun surprise. So after we talked forever, we decided why don't we just stay and hang out?
At first, all of us were thinking the adult way and thinking that we should get back on the road and get home. But then, we thought- seriously? When would we ever be able to do this again without having to worry about kids? finances? you name it. So we found a fair priced hotel room, checked in and headed out for our St. George adventures. We went bowling in probably the oldest bowling joint I have EVER been to.
*Seriously- Acknowledge the ball return on the side of this picture of my husband's amazing bowling form...

We went out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse- my first time ever. We enjoyed the hotel's indoor pool and hot tub and I got a new swimming suit since I hadn't packed mine. I guess that's a nice perk. And we enjoyed a red box movie from the comfort of our hotel room. When we woke up, we ate breakfast and got on the freeway going opposite directions. It was a short, incredibly spur of the moment trip, but so much fun.

PS It's 80 degrees here as I type so if anybody wants a spontaneous trip to visit, let me know!


  1. I love when things like that work out! So fun! And we are totally looking forward to that 80 degree better keep it :)

  2. Oh yes yes Jen, the enfamous Sunset Bowl! love that place...
